Rango: Oh! The sun! The breeze! Mmmmm and grass!! How can anybody not enjoy this!
HAHAHAHA….Summer is here. With its grass and fruits and more grass! Ummm…
This is Raghu. Ranghu is a grasshopper who loves to sing and to play and to do nothing but lie around! He love summer and the green grass! Raghu is a happy grasshopper.
Raghu was scared! He cautiously crept towards the walking fruit. The fruit kept coming towards Raghu. Slowly sliding against the green ground. Then suddenly! As Raghu listened closely, he heard some voice giggling. And here it was, a dozen ants, right under the fruit!
And collecting they were! As the ant point out, Raghu saw more than a dozen ants walking in lines towards a big hole in the ground! They carried tomatoes, berries, corn and also baby carrots! Every ant would drop some food in the hole and return to help others. The lines of food were endless. Raghu was now curious. The ant tell the reason the summer will end shortly and they tell Raghu to do that but he ignored. The ants knew that Raghu is making a mistake. But they also knew that Raghu will not listen to them. They wished him well and carried on with their work.
Raghu paid no attention to the ants ‘advice. He hopped and skipped the whole day and chewed on the fresh grass. He lazed on the river and whistled carelessly!
Weeks passed and Raghu grew fatter!
One day, as he was lying on the thick layer of grass, he saw a long line of ants carrying twigs and leaves. The ants try to tell Raghu to collect the foot for winter but Raghu doesn’t paid attention.
The ant knew that Raghu will not listen to her. She turned to leave. Just then.. The ant lag hits to the stone and it hurt her too much.
Raghu flew away with the ant on his back. The ant had never felt so happy! She saw the green lands, the water fall and the rivers! She felt the breeze on her face! As they reached home, Raghu say at least a hundred ants bringing leaves and throwing them into a big hole! Raghu was surprised! He sat down and the baby ant slid down his back and say goodbye.
Days passed and the summer was ready to leave. Trees started to shed its leaves and grass had begun to change its color! And Raghu was growing fatter each day. He lazed around the water on a dry leaf, looking at the bright sky, eating the little green leaves that were left.
And then winter came. Snow had covered the whole ground. Gone were the green grass and the ripe fruits!
Raghu searched and search for a single green leaf but could not find any!
He search for a warm place but snow had built layers and layers upon the warm ground.
Weeks passed and Raghu grew thinner and weaker with each day. He had no shelter and no food. He then remembered that the ants had taken a lot of food and twigs under the ground. He found the place and knocked on their door.
Listening to all the commotion, the queen and other ants came out of the hole.
Raghu had collapsed on the ground with a thud.
The ant narrated the incident to the queen. She explained how Raghu had helped her when she was a baby.
The ants wrapped up Raghu in some leave to keep him warm. They brilliantly built a house from twigs and carried Raghu inside it. They fed him hot soup and some fruits.
Soon, Raghu was back on his feet.
And now Raghu get some advices from the ant and he will prepare any things before winter.