Fox and Cock
There was a fox that came along and saw a cock roosting on a branch of tree. He was very anxious to eat that cock so that he flattered in the speaking to the cock. “Friend, I was commanded by the king of angels to announce all of the animals, who are enemy, to be friend with each other from now on.” The fox said. “Fox, I also want to be your friend, but please, wait a minute because there is one more dog.” The cock replied. The cock then pretended to turn round and look for the dog and said, “Here comes the dog, and the fox is waiting for you.” The fox heard that the dog was coming, he was so frightened so that he ran quickly into the forest. The cock continued flattering, “Fox don’t go yet. The dog is coming soon.” The fox did not only reply but he also ran as fast as he could into the forest without looking back.Moral values
- You have to be careful all the time.- Don’t trust someone who you experienced bad with only his confession.
- You should trick with the one who has trick.