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It is alarming to know how a lot of singles are not marriage materials but are looking for marriage. Some ladies of today are looking for husband material when they know very well they are not wife material. Just as no one invests in something which has no future, no man will spend a dime with the aim of getting married to you if you refuse to add value to your life to become a marriage material first.
Many singles are out of order; with no work, no place of abode, no plan for the future, still perching with their friends and relying on parents for survival, yet are out there looking for a life partner. It is a total shame you don't have money to get a new boxer short but you are busily chasing a lady for sex, a lady for whom you don't have what it takes to give her a new pant, even if she marries you.
Some ladies are putting pressure on men to come and see their families, to take them to the alter, whilst they have no moral standards, sleep with guys without knowing their surname, home or family. A wife material does not sleep with a boyfriend rather a husband.
Instead of looking for a job to afford their basic needs, they are rather looking for men and pressurizing them for marriage and by so doing they can be taken care of.
If you have to get into a relationship just for help or to meet your needs, pay bills, school fees, rent, etc. then you are not a marriage materials. If all you do is to borrow clothes, take pictures with them, upload on social media just to get a guy to date, then you are not a marriage material.
There are ladies who cannot cook for themselves, wash their own clothes, clean their own home, or take better care of themselves but are in relationships and keep asking themselves, why is he not coming forward to ask for my hand in marriage? For some the men have gone for an engagement list from their family yet have no plans of getting married to them.
The reason why he is not getting married to you is because he doesn't see a wife in you. You are not a wife material to him but he is comfortable having you as a girlfriend because you are a "girlfriend material".
Just as no one puts money into a vending machine when it is out of order, so would a man never put something in a woman when she is out of order. If you can't help him to help you by putting your life in order, how can you help your marriage in the future when he marries you?
And guys, if you have your life in order, ready for marriage and meet a woman who has all it takes to be a wife for you, don't play with her. Don't waste her time.
If she can cook a meal in this world full of restaurants and processed microwaveable food, you have a wife material. If she can make time wash in the mist of all the laundry, you can be assured you have a wife material.
If you meet a woman who puts the things of God above telenovela and want to spend more time with you than the television, in this world of soap operas, then you can be sure you have found a wifely material.
If she claims to be in love with you yet very selfish, always at the receiving end, can't do anything without expecting something in return then she is not wife material. You can't have a lasting marriage without God's building material called love. If you meet someone who loves to serve and help others without asking for anything in return, who is selfless not selfish, then you have found a wife.
This is a woman who can give you the view of the future through their own actions and eyes. Be with someone who is trustworthy for you don't have to rely on their "Trust Me" for their actions spoke the truth you need.
In conclusion "Our purpose is to do what is right, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of others" - 2 Corinthians 8:21 (GNT)
Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

The giving tree' this is a story about friendship and the unconditional love of nature…
In a forest, on the outskirts of the city, there was a tree, which stood tall and green. It had long, thick branches. Its uncountable bright green leaves blue graciously with the wind. Birds would come from faraway places to sit on its branches and chirp their songs. It was a beautiful and a happy tree. The trees shared a very special bond with a small boy from a nearby town. The boy would come every day to play with the tree after his school. He would eat the apples from the tree and play hide-and-go-seek with it. They talked for hours and hours. The boy used to share everything with the tree. His ideas, his
Plans for the future, his thoughts, and his everyday happenings at school. The tree used to listen to the boy intently and laugh with him. They understood each other's dreams and their bond grew stronger. he would gather the leaves to make a crown and pretend to be the king. He would climb his trunk and swing on his branches.

- The water is so clean and sparkly, tree! (boy)
- Yes, it is.(tree)
- You were lucky. You have the best view! The sparkling water, the Setting Sun, the breeze… no wonder you are so happy. I could live here forever! (boy)
- The water the stun and the breeze will always be here. I am happy when I share it with you. (tree)
- You’re the best, tree! I love you! (boy)
- And I love you back. (tree)

He would chat with the tree for hours. After playing and talking, tired, the boy used to sleep in the shade. As time passed by, the boy grew up and made new friends. He got busy and started spending less time with the tree. The tree cherished the little moments it had with the boy.

- Don’t you hate it when the Sun sets? or when you lose your leaves in
The winter? (Boy)
- I become sad, yes but I know the Sun will be back the next morning and the leaves will be back in the spring. I like to wait for them. (tree)
- You are right but the Setting Sun is also so beautiful. You’re lucky, tree! you have an
amazing view. I could live here forever.
- I don't know much about luck. But the Sun is always here. I enjoyed the most with you. You can live here forever. I know you like it. (tree)
- Ha-ha.. It’s not that easy. You don't have responsibilities. I have to work and be somebody. I have to build a future. I want to be happy(boy)
- Aren’t you happy now? (tree)
- I am. But I want more. (boy)
And slowly the boys stopped visiting the tree. The tree was mostly alone, waiting to see the boy. Then one day, the boy came to visit the tree the tree. Was happy to see him. Its heart pounded with every step the boy took towards it. Straightening up, the tree called out to the boy.

- Come, boy! come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat the
Apples and be happy! (Tree)
- I am too big to climb your trunk or swing on your branches. (boy)
- Ste the sunset, boy. You always like to look at it. (tree)
- I am busy now. I want to buy things. I want to see the world. (boy)
- Why do you look sad? (tree)
- I want some money, tree. Out in the world, you need money to be happy.
The tree didn't want to see the boy sad
- Take my apples, boy, and sell them in the market. Then you will have some money. I am sorry. I don't have any money to give you. I only have leaves and apples. (tree)
- Really tree? I can do that? (boy)
- Will that make you happy? (tree)
- Yes! Thank you, tree! You were the best!
So the boy climbed up the trunk, gathered all the apples from the tree and carried them away to sell them in the market. The tree was happy to help the boy but the boy stayed away for a long time…
And the tree was sad.
Years past...
Birds came, chirped their songs and left… and the tree waited, standing tall with its long branches, at the edge of the cliff waiting for the boy to come back. And then one day, the boy came back. The tree shook with joy!

- Come, boy! Come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and be happy! (tree)
- I don't have time to climb trees. I'm too busy. I'm married now, tree. I have a wife and children. (boy)
- You really have grown-up. But why don’t you look happy now? This is what you wanted. (tree)
- I am worried, tree. I will be happy if I could build a house for my family. I want to keep the warm and safe. (boy)
- I have no house to give you. The forest is my house. But, here, I have branches. You can cut off my branches and make a house out of it… then you will be happy. (tree)
- Thank You, tree!. (boy)

The boy climbed up the trunk of the tree and cut off all his branches and carried them away. The tree was happy to help the boy. But the boys stayed away for a long time… and the tree was sad.

Years passed, but the boy didn't come to visit the tree. The tree could no longer talk to the birds, as they would now just circle and fly away. There were no branches left for the birds to sit and chirp their songs. While on the ground, the tree always asked the birds about the boy, but no one had seen him. The tree grew lonely. The tree stood there, at the edge of the cliff, tall, trying to look for the boy.

It watched the city change. The tree could see the faraway pastures being raised to build roads and buildings. He saw the trees we cut and uprooted and towers being built on Greenland's. More people came, cutting the forests around and making houses for themselves.

The forest was losing its greenery. The tree was sad to see this house being torn down, but what could it do? For it was merely a trunk. The tree was very lonely now. But it still waited… eagerly for the boy.

Then one day the boy came to visit the tree, he now was a grown-up man. The tree was so happy to see the boy that he could hardly speak. But the boy looked very sad. The boy sat down, leaning against the tree and started crying. It broke the trees heart to see him crying. the tree
Had no branches to Pat the boy. It had no apples to cheer him up. It could give him a support to lean on.
- What is the matter, boy! Why are you so sad? (tree)
- My wife left me and my children don't care for me anymore. I don't want to live in a place where nobody loves me! All I want now is to go far away from here. I don't want to live here anymore. (boy)
- You are always running behind happiness, boy. You must day and let happiness come to you. (tree)
- There is no happiness here. If I could only build a boat and sail away in the sparkling waters lie on the boat and soak in the warmth of the Sun. (boy)
- Will you be happy, then? (tree)
- Yes. I will be a peace and happy! (boy)
- Here cut my trunk and build a boat then you can sail away. (tree)
- Really, tree? Thank you! You were the best! (boy)

The boy got his tools and cut the trunk of the tree. he builds a boat out of it.
He looks happy and relieved. The tree was happy to help the boy. It watched him build the boat. Then it watched him sail away. There was the Sun, the breeze, the sparkling water and the boys sailing off
in it. The tree didn't feel lucky now. It was sad to see the boy as he drifted away just like the son he had once talked about. The tree was now only a stump at the edge of a cliff.

Years passed and the tree grew lonelier. He could no longer see the faraway buildings or Hills. He could no longer stand tall and see his house or the people. For he was merely a stump of wood on the ground. He missed the birds, he missed looking at faraway pastures, and he missed the comfort of his house. But more than anything missed the boy. The boy finally came back to the tree. The city was not the same anymore. There were now man-made buildings in place of Mother Nature. The forest had been cut down and the green pastures were gone. The boy was an old man now. He was finding it hard to breathe. He loud and walked with a stick. He was wondering if he will ever find the tree.

-the city is eating up the forest! I hope I find my old friend! (Boy)

And so he did! it was right where he had left it the stump… waiting.

- You came! I waited really long for you! (tree)
- Yes tree it's so nice to see you. I sailed to another city. Lived there for a few years. (Boy)
- You are breathing heavily. (tree)
- Yes the pollution is making it difficult to breathe. (Boy)
- I am so sorry, boy. I have nothing to offer you my apples are gone... (tree)
- My teeth are too weak to eat apples. (Boy)
- My branches they're gone… you cannot swing on them… (tree)
- I am too old to swing on branches. (Boy)
- My trunk is gone… you cannot climb my… (tree)
- Oh I'm too tired to climb, my back hurts now. (Boy)
(The trees sighed) Ahhh... I am sorry I wish I could give you something. But I have nothing left. I am just an old stump (tree).
- The forest is disappearing. The concrete cannot give clean air to breathe, trees can! The buildings cannot provide for comfort. How greedy a man can be? Cities instead pollute fresh air. Don’t people understand the importance of nature? (Boy)

The tree didn't respond. It had nothing to say.

- I am old now and stay tired all the time. All I want is some fresh air to breathe and a quiet place to sit. (Boy)

.the tree straightened as much as he could

- Well, that’s it? An old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, boy. Sit down. Sit down and rest. (tree)

The boy sat on the tree and took a deep breath he watched the Sun setting in the sparkly waters. He felt the soft breeze.

- You are lucky, tree. You have the best view, this done the breeze and the sparkly waters. (Boy)

They then talked about life and how the world was changing around them… the boy narrated his story to the tree… and the tree was happy. The moral of the story the relationship of nature with man is an everlasting one. We need to respect and preserve Mother Earth. Remember, trees needs man as man needs trees…

“Preserve forests preserve nature “

It was a bright summer afternoon. Mother Duck found a lovely spot under a tree by the pond to lay her eggs. She laid five eggs. Suddenly she noticed that one of the eggs was different from the other eggs. She got a little worried. She waited for them to hatch.
One fine morning, at last, one after another, the eggs began to crack.

“Peep, peep” They said. All eggs had come alive and the ducklings were poking their heads out into the big world. All broke except one.

The Duck was worried. She sat on the egg and gave it all the warmth that it could give.
One fine morning, when the egg broke, there came out an ugly grey colored ducking.
The duckling was different from its other siblings. It was very big and rather ugly.
The mother duck was surprised to see her and was very sad. Mother hoped that one day she would become just like her siblings. But days went by and the duckling remained ugly. All his brother and sister made fun of the duckling and they would not play with him. The duckling was very sad.

All his brothers and sisters say they will not play with her and sad that he is ugly monster. They all laughed at him. The ugly duckling was really sad.
The ugly duckling went to the pond and looked at his reflection in the pond.
The duckling decided to leave the family and go somewhere deep into the woods. The duckling wandered all alone in the deep forest.

Soon when winters came by. There was snow all around. The duckling was sad and shivered with cold but couldn’t find any food to eat or a warm place to be in. He went to a family of ducks. They reject him. Who is this ugly fellow?
He went to stay in the hen’s house. There the hens pecked him with their beaks so he ran away.
He met a dog on the way. The dog saw him and went away. The ugly duckling thought to himself: “I’m so ugly that even the dog doesn’t want to eat me.

The ugly duckling sadly started wandering in the woods again. There he met a peasant who looks him home to his wife and children but even there he was troubled by the cat that lived there. So he left the peasant’s house.

Soon it was spring, everything was fresh and green once again. Walking and walking, he saw a river. He was so happy to see the water again. He went close to the river where he saw a beautiful swam swimming. He fell in love with her. The duckling was ashamed of himself and bowed his head low. When he bent his head, He saw his own reflection in the water and was astonished. He wasn’t ugly anymore; He had turned into a handsome young swan. Now he realized why he looked different from his siblings because he was a swan and they were ducks.

He married the beautiful swan that he had fallen in love with and happily lived ever after.

Rango: Oh! The sun! The breeze! Mmmmm and grass!! How can anybody not enjoy this!
HAHAHAHA….Summer is here. With its grass and fruits and more grass! Ummm…

This is Raghu. Ranghu is a grasshopper who loves to sing and to play and to do nothing but lie around! He love summer and the green grass! Raghu is a happy grasshopper.

Raghu was scared! He cautiously crept towards the walking fruit. The fruit kept coming towards Raghu. Slowly sliding against the green ground. Then suddenly! As Raghu listened closely, he heard some voice giggling. And here it was, a dozen ants, right under the fruit!

And collecting they were! As the ant point out, Raghu saw more than a dozen ants walking in lines towards a big hole in the ground! They carried tomatoes, berries, corn and also baby carrots! Every ant would drop some food in the hole and return to help others. The lines of food were endless. Raghu was now curious. The ant tell the reason the summer will end shortly and they tell Raghu to do that but he ignored. The ants knew that Raghu is making a mistake. But they also knew that Raghu will not listen to them. They wished him well and carried on with their work.

Raghu paid no attention to the ants ‘advice. He hopped and skipped the whole day and chewed on the fresh grass. He lazed on the river and whistled carelessly!

Weeks passed and Raghu grew fatter!
One day, as he was lying on the thick layer of grass, he saw a long line of ants carrying twigs and leaves. The ants try to tell Raghu to collect the foot for winter but Raghu doesn’t paid attention.

The ant knew that Raghu will not listen to her. She turned to leave. Just then.. The ant lag hits to the stone and it hurt her too much.

Raghu flew away with the ant on his back. The ant had never felt so happy! She saw the green lands, the water fall and the rivers! She felt the breeze on her face! As they reached home, Raghu say at least a hundred ants bringing leaves and throwing them into a big hole! Raghu was surprised! He sat down and the baby ant slid down his back and say goodbye.

Days passed and the summer was ready to leave. Trees started to shed its leaves and grass had begun to change its color! And Raghu was growing fatter each day. He lazed around the water on a dry leaf, looking at the bright sky, eating the little green leaves that were left.

And then winter came. Snow had covered the whole ground. Gone were the green grass and the ripe fruits!
Raghu searched and search for a single green leaf but could not find any!
He search for a warm place but snow had built layers and layers upon the warm ground.
Weeks passed and Raghu grew thinner and weaker with each day. He had no shelter and no food. He then remembered that the ants had taken a lot of food and twigs under the ground. He found the place and knocked on their door.

Listening to all the commotion, the queen and other ants came out of the hole.
Raghu had collapsed on the ground with a thud.
The ant narrated the incident to the queen. She explained how Raghu had helped her when she was a baby.

The ants wrapped up Raghu in some leave to keep him warm. They brilliantly built a house from twigs and carried Raghu inside it. They fed him hot soup and some fruits.
Soon, Raghu was back on his feet.

And now Raghu get some advices from the ant and he will prepare any things before winter.

This is story of four Brahmin friends, Som ,Vesh , Jeevan and Budh.
They lived together in a small village. All four of them were the Students of a Sage Who live in the forest. The Sage was a simple but a very learned man. The Brahmins respected their teacher.
Every day, they would listen to their teacher very carefully.
- My Children, anybody can become learned but skills alone will not take you anywhere. You have to learn to use it wisely (teacher sad).
Som, Vesh and Jeevan learnt many skills.
Vesh could heal a wound without touching it. Som could mend a broken pot.
Jeevan could take a fallen dead leaf and attach it back to the tree! But Budh was the slowest among all. He could not do any of these things. The three friends would always make joke on Budh. But Budh never complained.

One day Som, Vesh and Jeevan decided to travel out of the village.The all gathered their clothes and food and prepared for their journey.The Brahmins waved goodbye to their teacher…
After walking for half a day, they were tired and wanted to rest. As they were about to sit on the rock, Budh saw something lying on the ground. Before anybody could say anything, Som started to chant some words.Suddenly there was a bright light on the pile of bones and it was rearranged into a skeleton of a Lion!…The three brother were surprised!…

Som: See! Didn’t I tell you? You have to be as learned as I am to do it!
Vesh : You think your skill is the greatest? I can put flesh back into this lion. He will have fur, skin, nails, teeth and everything only a few minutes!
Nails, teeth?… Vesh don’t …(Budh shout).
But Vesh had stopped listening. He was now chanting some words.Suddenly, the skeleton had eyes have fur, skin, nails, teeth and much more.It was now a fully made lion lying dead on the gound!
Vesh: I brought it back! Isn’t this the greatest skill?
…HAHAHAHA..(Jeevan laugh )…You think only you can bring something back?
Don’t you know what skill I have learnt? I can bring this dead lion back to life!...

---Budh quickly climbed onto a nearby tree as Jeevan started chanting some words.
Within a few minutes, a bright light appeared upon the dead lion. And he opened his eyes!
The three Brahmins jumped happily! They had now proved their skills! But their smiles were soon gone. The lion got up and roared angrily!
The Brahmins were so scared, they could not move. The hungry lion leapt on the Brahmins at once!
The poor Brahmins could not do anything to save themselves.The lion ate all the three Brahmins one by one.
Budh was sitting on the tree watching everything. After the lion left, Budh climbed down from the tree. He saw that there were only bones left of his friends.

The lion’s sharing

A lion went to catch animals with fox, wild dog and wolf. They had tried their best find food. At last, they found a deer by chance and killed it immediately. They then took it to share with each other. The lion roared and said, “Divide this deer into four pieces.” Then, fox, wild dog and wolf followed what the lion said. They took the skin of the deer off and divided into four pieces. The lion stood in front of the deer meat and said, “The first piece is mind because I am the referee. The third is also mine because I have tried hard to chase it. And the last one is mine too. I really want to see whoever dares to carry this meat away.” The fox could only mumble alone and went away hopelessly.

Moral values

- Don’t use power to persecute the one who is less power than you.
- Don’t be a companion to the cruel person.
- Don’t be brave only with weak people.

The Elephant and the Tiger

Once upon a time, there lived an elephant lonely in the forest. On the forest, there was a group of animals such as stag, rabbit, deer and bird which are friend with each other. They always played on the lawn in that forest. One day, while they were playing on the lawn as usual, they saw a tiger running toward the. They were so frightened and trembled when they had met the tiger. Luckily, the elephant came to help them. When the tiger saw the elephant, it was frightened and ran away into the forest. The four animals expressed thanks to the elephant. From that day on, the elephant stopped living lonely. He started having many friends ever since.

Moral values

- Strengthen the relationship by talking to your friend first.
- Don’t lead your live in loneliness because it doesn’t improve.
- You need to make friend first before you ask for help.


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