Short Story
Under a hot sun, a car from The South East Asia Hotel collected Simone Fox from Pochentong International Airport. At the hotel, a large gentleman with a grey beard was waiting for her. Professor Martin Green introduced himself before taking Simone to the market, where he had lost the rare liquid. "This is where it happened," Martin explained. "I bought a ring at this shop, but when I went to put it in my bag, it had disappeared." "What ? The ring ?" asked Simone. "No, the bag," explained Martin.
Back at the hotel, Simone checked the lock on Martin's old room and then his friend, Dr Linda Croft, on her computer. As she thought, Linda Croft was not a scientist at all. She was a well-known spy. "She will have left her room by the time I reach it," Simone thought as she picked up the phone. Linda Croft was waiting for the next flight to Bangkok at Pochentong International Airport. Her baggage had been checked through to London. Simone relaxed in her room. "The police will have prepared their trap at Heathrow Airport by the time she arrives," she reflected. "What a relief. Now I can relax and read the newspaper."